Dear Sokoine University of Agriculture Community,
The Department of Biosciences at the College of Natural and Applied Sciences invites you to the MSc oral defense of Mr. Bonus M. Morandus. The defense is scheduled for March 28, 2025, at 10:30 AM in the Meteorological Laboratory, Solomon Mahlangu Campus (Mazimbu), Morogoro, Tanzania.
Mr. Morandus will present his thesis titled “Genetic Structure of Manyara Tilapia and Nile Tilapia Populations in Tanzanian Saline Rift Valley Lakes.” This research contributes to the understanding of genetic diversity and conservation strategies for tilapia species in Tanzania.
We encourage students and interested members of the SUA community to attend and engage in this important academic event.
MORANDUS, Bonus MMDB/D/2020/0003 | Genetic Structure of Manyara Tilapia and Nile Tilapia Populations in Tanzanian Saline Rift Valley Lakes | Dr. Rumisha, C
Dr. Maganira, JD |