Creating Awareness on Chemicals, Quality and Markets for Traditional Healers’ Products

Group Photo with DR. Dr. Ngalula Wille Anne at middle

The workshop aimed at creating Awareness on Chemicals, Quality and Markets for Traditional Healers’ Products. The workshop was as result of a reconnaissance survey conducted by DANIDA GRILI PROJECT in early 2018. It was realized that majority of the traditional healers ask themselves whether, the medicinal plants they use contain chemicals, does the quality of their products matter? and if at all their business can bring a positive impact on there livelihood.

Group Photo with DR. Dr. Ngalula Wille Anne at middle

Dr. Ngalula Wille Anne (middle fron line), the reginal coordinator for Traditional  and Alternative Medicine (Representing the RMO of Morogoro) on day One workshop at SMCOSE 



Group Photo for traditional healers with the Guest of honor Principal of the college

Group Photo: Traditional healers with the Principal of Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education, SUA  (Prof. Allen L. Malisa)


Traditional Healers in class

 Traditional Healers in discussion after presentation, guided by Dr. Beda Mwang’onde.


Stakeholders reading and responding to questionaires given by facilitators

Women Traditional Healers responding to questionnaires during the Workshop

A Traditional Healer asking question to the presenter

A Traditional Healer asking question for more clarification.



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