GRILI-DANIDA Project: First Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting for GRILI project 2020 1

Green Resources Innovations for Livelihood Improvement (GRILI)  is a DANIDA funded research project implimented by SUA in collaboration with researchers from NM-AIST, ITM, NIMR, MU, TIRDO and UCP  since  January 2018. The project aims at advancing the Quality of Green Resource Products (GRPs) for markets in order to contribute in improving Tanzanians Livelihood.  On 26th and 27th February 2020, the project organized its first Annual general meeting at Nelson Mandela-African Institute of Science and Technology in Arusha Tanzania with the aim of sharing general project progress and research outputs.

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A group photo of participants to the GRILI Project Annual General Meeting held at Nelson Mandela-African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) Conference Hall in Arusha Region (February 26, 2020)


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Dr. Chacha Musa giving welcome address and Introduction of participants at the GRILI Project Annual General Meeting held on February 26th, 2020 at NM-AIST in Arusha Region

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Dr. Faith P. Mabiki, GRILI Project Principal Investigator (PI),  presenting the project progress report to the participants.

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Prof. Lughano Kusiluka leading a session during presentations by PhD and Masters students 

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Mr. Frank Rwegoshora, a PhD student sponsored by GRILI Project, presenting his research progress  on the phytochemical investigations of synadenium glaucescens and commiphora swynnertonii

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Mr. Credo David, a PhD student sponsored by GRILI Project presenting his research proposal.

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Ms. Zaituni Msengwa, a PhD student sponsored by GRILI Project, presenting her research progress on investigations on antimicrobial resistance of plant derived antimicrobials.      

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Mr. Christopher Mwankuna introducing newly installed LC-MS/MS lab facility at the Department of Chemistry and Physics at Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education in Mazimbu, Morogoro

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Mr. Christopher Mwankuna , a PhD student sponsored by the GRILI Project, presenting his research progress on Adulteration of Herbal Products          

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Ms. Mary George Ocholla, MSc student sponsored by GRILI project, presenting her MSc research proposal

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Prof. John Elmerdahl Olsen explaining something on drug combinations and drug  interactions

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Ms. Anna Mpanyakavili, MSc student sponsored by GRILI project, presenting her Research Proposal 

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Ms. Grace Uwamaliya, Msc student, presenting her Research Proposal 

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Participants closely following presentations

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Mr. Eziacka Mpelangwa,  a PhD student sponsored by the GRILI Project, presenting his research progress on the business of Green resource products.

Updates from Day two of the meeting, 27th February 2020

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Dr. Faith Mabiki, GRILI project leader, inviting the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic, Research and Innovation of Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Prof. Anthony Mshandete to oficially close the meeting 

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Prof. Anthony Mshandete,  the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic, Research and Innovation of Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, giving his address to mark the end of the GRILI annual general meeting for 2020

Field visits

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GRILI Project leader, Dr. Faith Mabiki (with red t-shirts) showing members and participants of the meeting the place where samples are collected

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Mr. Said Babu, MSc. student, closely identifying plants used in GRILI project research

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Part of the GRILI project Members and meeting participants posing for a group photo after field visit at Mirerani ward, Simanjiro district, Manyara region 



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