Department of Chemistry and Physics hosts students from Alfagems secondary school for Study Tour

The Department of Chemistry and Physics (DCP) at the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS) of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) trains students in chemistry and Physics. Emphasis is given to ensuring that learners acquire practical skills.

Students from Alfagems Secondary School located at Nanenane in Morogoro municipality, accompanied by their instructors, visited the DCP for a learning tour. The visit was organized by their instructor, Dr. Frank Rwegoshora, who informed the department that the tour trip came after teaching his students about the determination of relative molecular masses of elements and various compounds. To enhance practical applications, the students visited the department to acquire exposure to Mass Spectrometry, which uses molecular weights to determine the structures of various organic compounds. The students were inspired by seeing how the instrument works to produce spectra.


Alfagems Sec School students and their instructor (Ms Lilian Kihwele) pose for a group photo at the New laboratory building in SUA-Mazimbu campus.


Dr. F. Rwegoshora (first left- chemistry facilitator), Dr. C. Mwankuna (4th backline; Lecturer and LCMS facilitor) and the Alfagems secondary school students (PCB & CBG as they take memory after the short Hands-on LCMS


Students from Alfagems secondary school measuring pH of an aqueous solution
A student from Alfagems Secondary attempting to connect LC MS MS components
Mr Mpeji (lab technologist-DcP SUA) explains to the students how UV vis spectrophotometry works.
Dr. Mwankuna (the event facilitator) explains to the students how LC MS MS vis spectrophotometry works.
Ms Aneth Msemwa (Lab technologist) encourages female students to study science subjects.


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