Dr. Emmy Solomon Lema


Dr Emmy Solomon Lema

Feature Description
Full name Emmy Solomon Lema
phone +255 713 991 877
  • Lema, E., Machunda, R. & Njau, K. N. (2014). Agrochemicals use in horticulture industry in Tanzania and their potential impact to water resources. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Science. 8(2):831-842.
  • Lema, E., Machunda, R. & Njau, K. N. (2014 in press). Assessment of agrochemical residues in wastewater from selected horticultural farms in Arusha, Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Sciences.
  • Lema, E., Machunda, R. & Njau, K. N. (2014). Influence of Macrophyte Types towards Agrochemical Phytoremediation in a Tropical Environment. International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science. 2(5):441-455.
  • Gaganija, M. S., Lema, E. S. and Mkoma, S. L. (2012). Attitudes of Community to urban traffic noise in Morogoro, Tanzania. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. 5 (3):218-224.