
Maonesho ya Nanenane 01-08 August 2023, Viwanja vya Nanenane-Morogoro

Idara ya kemia na fizikia yashiriki katika maonesho ya Nanenane yanayofanyika katika viwanja vya Nanenane-Morogoro, ambapo miongoni mwa bidhaa ambazo zinazalishwa na idara ili kuhudumia jamii, bidhaa hizi ni pamoja na;- Sabuni za Syna soap, kwa ajili ya matitabu ya magonjwa ya ngozi yatokanayo na fangasi. Dawa ya kimiminika ya kunywa (Synadol syrup), kwa ajiri […]

Seminar Presentation for MSc and PhD

SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS (DCP)   SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS (For Master and PhD Students) Platform: Postgraduate Room (DCP) & Zoom   DATE: 13th JUNE, 2023                                     Time: 14:00 Hrs Nairobi S/N CANDIDATE TITTLE DISCUSSANT TIME 1 Roberto Luis Nhamussua (PYT/D/2022/0001) Phytochemical study of Annona stenophylla (nana), […]

Successful Ph.D. Defense for Frank Rwegoshora

The Department of  Chemistry and Physics is pleased to congratulate Mr. Frank Rwegoshora for successfully defending his Ph. D thesis titled “Characterization of New Ellagic acid Rhamnoside and other Phytochemicals from Synadenium glaucescens Pax”

Successful Ph.D. Defense for Christopher Mwankuna

  Join us to congratulate Mr. Christopher Mwankuna (the fourth from right) from the Department of Chemistry and Physics for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis titled “Development of Analytical Methods for Screening and Determination of Conventional Drugs Adulterated in Herbal Products”.


Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Christopher Mwankuna Christopher registered in June 2018 at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Chemistry and Physics (DCP), College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS). He holds an MSc. Chemistry from the University of Dar es Salaam and works at Sokoine University of Agriculture […]