
Wananchi washauriwa kutotumia dawa za tiba asili bila ushauri wa wataalamu

Wananchi kote nchini wameshauriwa kutotumia dawa za tiba asili bila ya kupata ushauri kutoka kwa wataalamu ili kutumia kwa kiwango kilichotafitiwa (dozi) cha mimea tiba wanayoitumia kwa ajili ya kutibu afya zao kwakuwa kiwango kingi ama kidogo, vyote vinaweza kuleta madhara katika mwili wa binadamu. Mtafiti Mwanafunzi wa shahada ya uzamivu kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha […]

Waganga wa tiba asili waaswa kutochanganya dawa za asili na za kisasa

Picha ya pamoja ya wajumbe wa mkutano mkuu wa maradi wa GRILI Wito huo umetolewa na kiongozi wa mradi wa utafiti unaotekelezwa na Chuo Kikuu cha Sokoine cha Kilimo (SUA) wa kuongeza ubunifu katika mimea dawa ili kuboresha Maisha (GRILI) Dkt. Faith Mabiki wakati wa mkutano mkuu wa mwaka wa wadau wa mradi huo uliofanyika […]

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The department of Chemistry and Physics holds annual meeting

The staffs of the department of Chemistry and Physics and students representatives The department of Chemistry and Physics conducted the annual meeting to evaluate its plans for the academic year 2020/2021. This is usually the meeting held purposely to evaluate the plans and performance in various academic aspects and presentation of the new stragegies for […]

Researchers urged to disseminate the results of their work and help develop better policies

Researchers at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) have been advised to continue to ensure that they allocate funds for the dissemination of research results to reach the target audience and also to contribute to the formulation of national policies or to improve existing ones Research and Publication Coordinator in the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer […]

GRILI project Annual general meeting 2021 1

GRILI project conducts its annual general meeting 2021

Stakeholders of the Green Resources Innovations for Livelihood Improvement (GRILI) Project have met for their annual general meeting to discuss the progress of the project in line with the results of various studies conducted by the students funded by the project at PhD and Masters level. The meeting is taking place in Njombe Tanzania  Opening […]

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Tradition medicines for health and better economy

“At the moment, there exist various epidemic and pandemic diseases such as nCOVID-19,thus we have to think and work purposely to protect our society against these diseases” said the Guest of Honour. Guest of Honour representative from the office of Regional Administrative Sectaretary of Morogoro. Following the exhibition of tradition medicine at Morogoro general market  on […]

Green Resources Innovations for Livelihood Improvement (GRILI) project organizes training workshop for traditional healers in Morogoro

Traditional healers in the country have been advised to take a closer look at how to use the results of research conducted by researchers from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and other institutions to improve existing products and introduce new products to meet the needs of the community at the right time. Deputy Vice Chancellor of Sokoine University […]

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The Head of Department welcomes first year

On Saturday, 12th December, 2020, The Head of Department held the meeting with all first year students pursuing Bachelor of Science degree with Physics or Chemistry as major subjects, She emphasized them on timely registration of courses,self awareness and financial managements. ‘’I take this opportunity to welcome all of you who have decided to pursue […]

Traditional healers plan to set up small industries and sell their products abroad

Traditional healers and alternative medical practitioners in Njombe region have thanked Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through its researchers for building their capacity to increase the value of their medicines, increase productivity as well as increase their income and promise to do their job scientifically so that they can export these drugs abroad. Group of traditional healers […]

Njombe traditional healers empowered to add value to their products

Researchers from Department of Chemistry and Physics at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) have been commended for their efforts to build the capacity of traditional healers and alternative medical practitioners on increasing the value of their medicines, the sustainable use of their medicinal plants, how to improve treatment and increase their income. Dr. Faith Mabiki […]