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We are pleased to announce the public defense of Frank Rwegoshora, a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry and Physics (DCP), College of Natural and Applied Science (CoNAS) at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). Frank holds a Master Degree in Natural Products Technology and Value Chain Addition (NPTVA) and a BSc. Education (Chemistry and Biology). He has previously worked as a Chemistry instructor at different secondary schools in Tanzania.
Rwegoshora’s thesis, titled “Characterization of New Ellagic acid Rhamnoside and other Phytochemicals from Synadenium glaucescens Pax,” was supervised by Prof. Faith P. Mabiki, Dr. Francis Machumi, Dr. Musa Chacha, Prof. Bjarne Styrishave, Prof. Claus Cornett. The defense will take place on May 10th, 2023 at 9:00 AM in the Video Conference Room (SLGB-2), at the Solomon Mahlangu Campus – Mazimbu.
The defense will be conducted in-person and online via Zoom.
To join the Zoom meeting, please use the following details:
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/98091735971?pwd=R0cxa0dmL2RZM21aSnFkNG4yWEcwQT09
Meeting ID: 980 9173 5971
Passcode: 893568
For more details please read the attached announcement