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The Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) is pleased to announce two upcoming presentations by its PhD students.
The first presentation will be given by Ms. Anna Mbughuni on her research topic “Usage patterns of Open Access Institutional Repositories in Tanzania: A study of Public Universities in Tanzania“. Ms. Mbughuni will present the results of her research and share her insights on the usage patterns of open access institutional repositories in Tanzania.
The second presentation will be a concept note presentation given by three different students. Mr. Maulid Dotto will present on “Usage of ICT in Enhancing Performance of Agro – Food Processing SMEs in Tanzania“. Mr. Sixbert Amsi will present on “The Influence of Sexuality Information Seeking Behavior in Addressing Teenage Pregnancy Challenges Among Secondary School Students in Tanzania“. Ms. Anna Kimaro will present on “Knowledge, Attitude and Perception Towards Urinary Tract Infections Prevention among Secondary School Students in Tanzania“.
Both presentations will take place on Friday 26 May 2023 at 9am at the Video Conference Lab (SGLB2), SMC, Mazimbu. The presentations will also be available for virtual attendance via Zoom.
Please use the following details to access the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 919 2968 1917
Passcode: 553385
We encourage all interested parties to attend and engage with our students as they present their research and concepts.
For more details please read the attached announcement
PhD Research Results and Concept Note Presentations - 26th May 2023