
PhD Public Viva-voce Defence for Frank Rwegoshora

Video Conference Lab (SGLB2) SMC, Mazimbu, Morogoro

We are pleased to announce the public defense of Frank Rwegoshora, a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry and Physics (DCP), College of Natural and Applied Science (CoNAS) at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). Frank holds a Master Degree in Natural Products Technology and Value Chain Addition (NPTVA) and a BSc. Education (Chemistry and Biology). He […]

PhD Seminar Presentations in the Department of Informatics and IT

Video Conference Lab (SGLB2) SMC, Mazimbu, Morogoro

The Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) is pleased to announce two upcoming presentations by its PhD students. The first presentation will be given by Ms. Anna Mbughuni on her research topic “Usage patterns of Open Access Institutional Repositories in Tanzania: A study of Public Universities in Tanzania“. Ms. Mbughuni will present the results of her research and […]

DCP — PhD and MSc. Seminar Presentations

Postgraduate Room (DCP) SMC, Mazimbu, Morogoro, -Select-

YEESI LAB WORKSHOP — How to Establish a Start-up and Raise Funding, Saturday 8th July

Video Conference Lab (SGLB2) SMC, Mazimbu, Morogoro

We are delighted to have Mr. Albany James, a Product Development Director for Anzisha Ventures, a highly accomplished serial entrepreneur, as the facilitator for this training session. With his extensive expertise and experience in the field, we are confident that participants will gain practical insights and knowledge on the intricacies of starting up a company. Albany […]

DIIT — PhD Public Defense for Ms. Anna S. Mbughuni

Video Conference Lab (SGLB2) SMC, Mazimbu, Morogoro

To SUA Community, We would like to inform you that, there will be a Viva Voce by a PhD candidate Anna Shangwe Mbughuni who is registered with the Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT),  on 1st August 2023, 9:00 AM at the Video Conference Room (SLGB-2), Block G  (CoNAS) –Mazimbu.   THESIS TITLE: Using Open Access Institutional Repositories […]

DIIT — PhD Research Results and Concept Note Presentations on Friday, 18th August 2023

Video Conference Lab (SGLB2) SMC, Mazimbu, Morogoro

Dear All, We would like to inform you that there will be seminar presentations where Ms. ANNA, Mohamed Namala will present her results from her PhD research titled “First Time Mothers Health Information Needs and Accessibility During the Digital Age” and Ms. Bertha Kachota will present her PhD Concept Note titled “Ethical Practices on Service […]

DBS — Masters Seminar Presentations on 23 August 2023 at SMC

Walter Sisulu Boardroom, SMC

Greetings all, You are cordially invited to a seminar presentation on the research findings of two master's students. The event will take place on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, between 10:30am and 12:00pm. Location: Walter Sisulu Boardroom, Solomon Mahlangu Campus, Mazimbu