Dr. Malekani


Dr. Andrew Malekani

Senior Lecturer

Academic Profile

Andrew W. Malekani is a PhD holder. Besides, he is a Senior Lecturer at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). He holds PhD and master’s degrees in information studies from the University of Dar es Salaam and received a bachelor degree (B.Sc. Agriculture general) from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). 

Teaching Subjects and Research Interests

Dr. Malekani’s research, teaching and consultancy interests/expertise center mainly on information and communication technologies, information literacy, information management, knowledge management, rural livelihoods and research methods. He has authored multiple articles published in various academic journals. Malekani has supervised several student research projects.

Research Projects

Dr. Malekani has carried out some research/consultancy works in various areas, including:

  1. Gender Analysis in Agriculture (GAA). A consultancy for CARE international in Lindi and Mtwara regions from February 2010 to March 2010.
  2. Budget Analysis and Smart Investments (BASINs) for Global Water Initiative East Africa on Water for Agriculture: A case of Same District, Kilimanjaro Region, and National budget in Tanzania.
  3. A consultancy for Care International done from February, 2015 to March 2015.
  4. Household survey on income derived from beekeeping in the Kigoma Region. A Consultancy for Belgium Technical Cooperation (BTC) carried in December 2015.
  5. Data entry and analysis. A Consultancy for Helvetas NGO, Dodoma carried out in February 2016.

Besides, he has participated in several projects both as a research assistant and project team member, including:

  1. Research assistant in a project titled: Impacts of improvement of market infrastructure in Tanzania: the case of fruits and vegetables market in Morogoro and Kibaigwa grain market.
  2. Research assistant in a project titled: Farmers’ perspectives on usefulness of technologies introduced by on-farm research: the case of the TARPII-SUA program (for 2 weeks in September, 2007).
  3. Team member for an Elsevier project on: Access to, use and sharing of agricultural information in Tanzania (January 2012-December 2012).
  4. Co-opted member for CCIAM project titled “Economic valuation of incremental biomass in CBFM and JFM forests in Mufindi and Mbozi districts.


A full list of Dr. Malekani’s publications and citations can be accessed at Google Scholar.
