Dr. Alcardo Alex Barakabitze Wins the Distinguished International Associate Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), UK

Project Title: Mitigating Climate Change Through Quality-driven Management of Future Telecommunications using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tanzania

PI: Dr. Alcardo Alex Barakabitze

Collaborator: Prof. Trung Q. Duong, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Dr Alcardo Alex Barakabitze from the Department of Informatics and Information Technology, CoNAS has been awarded the Distinguished International Associate (DIA) Award by the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), UK. The DIA award includes £30,000 budget to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) quality-driven management and energy-efficient approaches to mitigate energy consumption and CO2 emissions in future telecommunication systems and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs). The project will be implemented in Tanzania for 1 year from May 2024 to June 2025. Dr. Barakabitze joins a broad international community and network of excellent, diverse computer scientists and engineers across countries and disciplines, with research and innovation links to the UK, to work alongside the RAEng to enhance progress towards achieving an inclusive economy and sustainable society through ‘Technologies for the Future’ thematic approach.

Project Summary:

The major challenge in future connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) is reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption associated with Internet multimedia streaming services delivery over 5G networks without adversely affecting end users’ video watching or entertainment experiences.

Dr. Barakabitze’s DIA-supported project addresses climate concerns resulting from energy consumption and CO2 emissions in future telecommunication systems such as 6G networks. The project will investigate multimedia streaming QoE use cases, scenarios and prototypes in CAVs over future 5G and beyond networks as a proof of concept for enhancing QoE for in-vehicle users and making video streaming services faster and more energy-efficient in 2030 networks.

Dr Alcardo Barakabitze believes that quality-driven management and energy-efficient approaches are required to mitigate energy consumption and CO2 emissions associated with future telecommunication systems in CAVs. Collaborating with Prof. Trung Q. Duong from Queen’s University Belfast, UK, Dr Alcardo Barakabitze will develop a testing platform for software-defined autonomous vehicles over 5G networks. His DIA-supported project aims to provide continuous QoE-energy efficient, CO2-emissions reductions and AI-dynamic delivery control mechanisms of multimedia services to meet in-vehicle end-users’ QoE demands on 6G and 2030 systems.

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