The Consortium of Tanzania University and Research Libraries (COTUL) is a strategic alliance among academic and research Institutional Libraries in Tanzania aimed at improving access to information resources in different disciplines. The consortium is
also responsible for empowering librarians and researchers with research support services.
This year on 13th & 14th November the COTUL conducted a two-days training workshop at TMDA, Mwanza City to equip academics, researchers, and librarians from different academic and research institutions in Tanzania with essential skills to support various stages of the research life cycle. The theme of the workshop was “Research Support Services Knowledge and Skills for Library and Information Professionals”
Invited as one of the facilitators of the training workshop, Dr Ester Ernest Mnzava from the Department of Informatics and Information Technology empowered participants with various knowledge and skills in effective communication, online research support services and scholarly publishing. Emphasizing on how to avoid predatory publishing and retractions, Dr Ester exposed participants to different reasons for retractions, how to spot hijacked journals and various online tools that researchers can use to guide their selection of reputable and relevant journals and publishers.