Our colleague, Farian Severine Ishengoma successfully defended his PhD thesis “Integrated Drone Technologies and Machine Learning Techniques for Early Detection of Fall Armyworm in Maize Fields: A case study of East Africa” on 10th July 2023 at the African Center of Excellence in Internet of Things – ACEIoT, at the University of Rwanda, Rwanda.

Dr. Ishengoma has published his papers emanating from the PhD thesis in very reputable and prestigious journals (Ecological Informatics & Computers and Electronics in Agriculture) and also published in proceedings of peer international conferences (12th Computer Science On-line Conference 2023 & Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2022). Some of his works are already being cited by prominent researchers showing the Novelty, Acceptability, Maturity and Elegance (NAME) of his research findings.
Please join the Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT), ACEIoT and SUA community at large, to congratulate Dr. Farian Severine Ishengoma for this great achievement.
For more information, peruse his publications at the links below: