
Special Projects Proposal Presentations on 27 Jan 2023

Dear all, The Department of Informatics and Information Technology cordially invites you to the special project (SP) proposal presentations for Diploma in IT students on Wednesday, January 25th, 2023, and BIT and BIRM students on Friday, January 27th, 2023 at 10.00 a.m. The venues will be the Computer  Labs (SGLB1, SGLB2 and SGLB3), CONAS-MAZIMBU.

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AI4MoreCrops Team meets the Ministry of Agriculture for Data Collection

On Tuesday, December 20, 2022, AI4MoreCrops researchers from SUA met with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) food security experts to discuss available historical crop yield data. The researchers needed maize and sorghum yield data at the district level from 2005 to 2022. The MoA food security experts demonstrated excellent cooperation by promising to provide such […]

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The AI4MoreCrops Project has successfully launched

The AI4MoreCrops Project, formally known as “Enhancing Farm-Scale Crop Yield Prediction Models Using Machine Learning in Tanzania’s Internet-of-Agro-Things,” was officially launched on December 19, 2022. Prof. Esron Karimuribo, Director of Postgraduate, Research, and Consultancy, officiated the project’s launch, emphasizing its importance in assisting the Ministry of Agriculture in achieving accurate crop yield estimation and thus […]

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Welcome to the Crop Yield Prediction (AI4MORECROPS) Project Kickoff Workshop on 19th Dec 2022

The Project’s Principal Investigator cordially invites you to the crop yield prediction project kick-off workshop on December 19, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Computer Lab (Video Conference), Mazimbu. Please see the attached workshop schedule. You can also join the workshop using the following Zoom link: Meeting ID: 995 2044 7857 Passcode: […]

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Dr. Baraka Nyamtiga has successfully completed his PhD

Please join the Department of Informatics and Information Technology in congratulating Baraka William Nyamtiga who has successfully defended his PhD thesis “Edge Computing-Assisted Virtual Reality Offloading and Content Adaptation ” on 09th December 2022, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea.   Congratulations Dr. Nyamtiga, and welcome back to the Department.

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Dickson Massawe, a YEESI LAB student, takes first place in the IndabaX Tanzania Hackathon Challenge.

Please join the YEESI Lab, EEISHEA, and the Department of Informatics and Information Technology in congratulating Mr. Massawe and the other five (Catherine Mangare, Deus Francis, Dickson Wilfred, Fikiri Matatizo, and Sifa Abdala) on their victory at IndabaX Tanzania. They have demonstrated that problem-based learning (PBL) approaches are the most effective way to teach students. […]

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Dr. Alcardo, congratulations on the publication of your new book!

The department would like to commend and congratulate you on the publication of your new book, “Multimedia Streaming in SDN/NFV and 5G Networks: Machine Learning for Managing Big Data Streaming.” The book is now available for pre-order on various platforms, including Amazon and Google Books  

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“USAID” and “PEER” personnel visit the YEESI Lab and two other projects at SUA for monitoring and evaluation.

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) was visited by three Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) personnel from USAID and PEER. USAID and PEER are currently funding three projects: Morogoro youth empowerment through establishment of social innovation (YEESI) lab for problem-centered training in machine vision under PI, Dr. Kadeghe Fue – Exploring the fate of mercury in […]

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A New Funded Project in the Department under Dr. Barakabitze and his Team

Dr. Alcardo Alex Barakabitze and his team (Prof. Camilius Sanga, Dr. Kadeghe Fue, Dr. Neema Lyimo, Dr. Michael Mahenge, and Dr. Joseph Telemala) from Sokoine University of Agriculture, RECODA and Sahara Ventures announced among the winners of the Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture and Food Systems (AI4AFS) Innovation Research Network in Africa with the project titled […]

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2022/23 Applications in Information and Records programs are open, please apply now

If you want to work in knowledge management, library/information science, records management, and so on, please consider enrolling in the following programs. Bachelor Information and Records Management Diploma in Records, Archives and Information Management Diploma in Library and Information Science To apply, click here

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