

Congratulations, Dr. Kibirige, on Your Successful PhD Journey

The Head of the Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) is happy to let you know that Mr. George Kibirige has successfully defended his PhD titled “Using Satellite Data on Remote Transportation of Air Pollutants for PM2.5 Prediction in Taiwan” at National Chengchi University, Academia Sinica, Taipei Taiwan. Please join the department to celebrate […]

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SUA Hosts Crucial Curriculum Stakeholders Meeting in the ICT and Library Sciences Cluster

The gathering drew a diverse range of stakeholders, including representatives from President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG, commonly known as TAMISEMI), President’s Office Public Service Management and Good Governance (UTUMISHI), Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS, commonly known as Sektretarieti ya Ajira Tanzania), Tanzania Library Services Board (TLSB), the Morogoro Regional Administrative Secretary’s office, […]

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MkulimaGPT — Using Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Maize Farming

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has trained about 20 smallholder farmers in Morogoro through the Integrated IoT, AI, and a Swahili Chatbot: Agri-Tech Solution (MkulimaGPT) Project, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The training focused on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) System that operates in Swahili and aims to provide farmers with […]

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DIIT Receives ‘Best Departmental Website’ Award at SUA Prize Giving Ceremony

The Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS) at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) received the “Best Departmental Website of the Year” award on November 21, 2023, at SUA’s Edward Moringe Campus, SUA. Prof. Caroline Nombo, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, […]

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AI4MoreCrops Project Showcases Progress in AI Implementation for Agriculture

The AI4MORECROPS project held a workshop on “Enhancing Farm-scale Crop Yield Prediction Using Machine Learning Models for the Internet of Agro-Things in Tanzania.” The workshop, which served as a pivotal moment to update stakeholders on project activities and preliminary results, was held on November 20th, 2023. The project’s mission to integrate AI into agriculture crop […]

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The Department of Informatics and Information Technology Website Wins Prestigious Award for Best Departmental Website of the Year at SUA

The Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT), College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS) at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has triumphed in the year 2023. The DIIT website has been named the Best Departmental Website of the Year at SUA. This distinguished award underscores DIIT’s unwavering pursuit of excellence in digital engagement […]

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PhD Seminar Presentation on Friday Nov 17 2023

Dear all, the Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) warmly welcomes you to the PhD seminar presentations by students at different stages of their research. See the attached document for more details on the venue and time.  

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YEESI Lab featured in USAID Feed the Future report published at the digital frontiers website titled “Digital Agriculture Ecosystem Assessment: Tanzania”

Digital agriculture solutions have the potential to enhance agricultural outcomes and uplift rural communities by providing access to critical information (e.g., crop advisories, weather forecasts and market prices), credit (e.g., short-term credit for inputs and long-term asset financing for farm equipment), and markets (e.g., for inputs and offtake) to further enable farming as a business. […]

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The Ifakara-Kilombero Food Hub in making

On 26 October 2023, there was a follow-up meeting for the Ifakara-Kilombero Food Hub with support from SUA and HELVETAS. The meeting was officiated by the Ifakara Town Council Agricultural, Livestock and Fisheries Officer (TALFO) on behalf of the Town Executive Director (TED). In his speech, the TALFO emphasised the importance of farmers and other […]

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