A Welcome Note from the HoD

Dr. Michael P. J. Mahenge

Head of Department


Welcome to the official website of the Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) at the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CONAS) of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). The Department has highly qualified staff in areas of ICT and knowledge management. It is committed to providing high-quality teaching, research, consultancy and community service in the areas of informatics, knowledge management, information technology, and information sciences.

Kindly go through our website for details.

Latest from the Department

Latest Updates, Announcements, Stories and more
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Workshop on Establishing Start-ups and Fund Raising: Insights from Students who Participated

YEESI LAB held a training workshop on how to build startup companies and the key features that enable their survival on Saturday, July 8, 2023, at the Solomon Malangu campus. Mr. Albany James, a Product Development Director for Anzisha Ventures and a successful serial entrepreneur, led the workshop. Following the training workshop, students from both the Edward Moringe and Solomon...
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DIIT — PhD Public Defense for Ms. Anna S. Mbughuni

To SUA Community, We would like to inform you that, there will be a Viva Voce by a PhD candidate Anna Shangwe Mbughuni who is registered with the Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT),  on 1st August 2023, 9:00 AM at the Video Conference Room (SLGB-2), Block G  (CoNAS) –Mazimbu.   THESIS TITLE: Using Open Access Institutional Repositories (OAIRs) for Enhancing Access to...
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Publication in a Higher Impact Factor Journal by Dr. Sumari and her team: Fruits of SUARIS Funding

A paper from SUARIS funding, entitled “Urban growth dynamics and expansion forms in 11 Tanzanian cities from 1990 to 2020”  authored by Dr. Neema Sumari et al. has been published in a peer review journal with impact factor 4.606. For more information, visit https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17538947.2023.2218114 Share this
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NEW PhD in the Department, Dr Farian Severine Ishengoma

Our colleague, Farian Severine Ishengoma successfully defended his PhD thesis “Integrated Drone Technologies and Machine Learning Techniques for Early Detection of Fall Armyworm in Maize Fields: A case study of East Africa” on 10th July 2023 at the African Center of Excellence in Internet of Things – ACEIoT, at the University of Rwanda, Rwanda. Dr. Ishengoma has published his papers emanating from...
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Exploring the Future: TBC Visits SUA’s 3D and Robotics Studio at Solomon Mahlangu Campus

The Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) and the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS) welcomed the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) to the IT Innovation Lab’s 3D and Robotics studio (CEZERI Studio). The studio equipment were generously donated by the Turkish people under the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA). TBC visited the studio yesterday, July 6, 2023,...
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YEESI LAB WORKSHOP — How to Establish a Start-up and Raise Funding, Saturday 8th July

We are delighted to have Mr. Albany James, a Product Development Director for Anzisha Ventures, a highly accomplished serial entrepreneur, as the facilitator for this training session. With his extensive expertise and experience in the field, we are confident that participants will gain practical insights and knowledge on the intricacies of starting up a company. Albany James is a passionate digital...
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Programmes in the Department of Informatics and Information Technology


The department offers (4) non-degree programmes in Information Technology (IT), Library Science (LS) and Records Management (RM)

Bachelor Degrees

The department offers two (2) bachelor degree programmes in information technology (IT), and information and records management.

Postgraduate Degrees

Currently, the department only offers thesis-based doctoral programmes in librarianship, information science, records management, and information technology.


Learn about us, who we are, our Vision, Mission, what we do, and many more

Staff Profiles

Currently, the department has 42 academic and 2 administrative staff. Our staff are involved in teaching, research projects, consultancy, and outreach services.

Current Projects

The department’s staff is more active and involved in many research projects than any other department in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences. There are currently six (6) ongoing projects funded by the University through its SUARIS initiative, as well as three (3) projects funded by donors.