A Welcome Note from the HoD

Dr. Michael P. J. Mahenge

Head of Department


Welcome to the official website of the Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) at the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CONAS) of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). The Department has highly qualified staff in areas of ICT and knowledge management. It is committed to providing high-quality teaching, research, consultancy and community service in the areas of informatics, knowledge management, information technology, and information sciences.

Kindly go through our website for details.

Latest from the Department

Latest Updates, Announcements, Stories and more
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DIIT Leads in Website Ranking and Publication Excellence

The Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) has reason to celebrate as it secures top positions in both website ranking and publication excellence. In the first quarter of 2023 university-wide website ranking, the department’s website claimed the top spot in the category of “Best Academic Department Website”. The department website and ranked 6th out of 67 websites in the “Best...
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DIIT Member, George W. Kibirige, Publishes in Highly-Reputable Journal

The Department Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) at Sokoine University of Agriculture is thrilled to announce the publication of one of its members, Mr. George W. Kibirige, in the highly reputable journal, Scientific Reports. The Nature’s “Scientific Reports” journal recently published his research paper titled “Influence of land-sea breeze on PM2.5 prediction in central and southern Taiwan using composite neural...
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From SUARIS Grants to Innovative and Impactful: The Success Story of the Department of Informatics and Information Technology

The Department of Informatics and Information Technology (DIIT) in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS) at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is making waves in technological innovation, thanks to the ingenuity and dedication of its young and vibrant staff. Over the past three SUARIS calls for proposals, the department has won 10 projects, solidifying its position as...
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Dr. Nicodemus and Dr. Telemala Awarded LACUNA Grant to Develop Tanzania’s First Climate-Sensitive Waterborne Diseases Dataset

A team comprising Dr. Neema N. Lyimo, Dr. Joseph P. Telemala, Dr. Silivia F. Materu, Dr. Kadeghe G. Fue, and collaborator Dr. Ndimile C. Kilatu has been awarded a grant of 79,247.41 USD to carry out a project on climate and health. The project’s details are outlined below. Tanzania Climate Sensitive Waterborne Diseases Dataset for Predictive Machine Learning Contact: Joseph P....
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PhD Progress Presentation on 27 Jan 2023

Dear all, The Department of Informatics and Information Technology is inviting you to a PhD progress presentation, which will be held on Friday, 27th January 2023 at 11.00 am. The venue will be in the Computer  Lab – Conference Room (SGLB2), CONAS-MAZIMBU. Dr. Alcardo Barakabitze DIIT Postgrad Coordinator Share this
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Programmes in the Department of Informatics and Information Technology


The department offers (4) non-degree programmes in Information Technology (IT), Library Science (LS) and Records Management (RM)

Bachelor Degrees

The department offers two (2) bachelor degree programmes in information technology (IT), and information and records management.

Postgraduate Degrees

Currently, the department only offers thesis-based doctoral programmes in librarianship, information science, records management, and information technology.


Learn about us, who we are, our Vision, Mission, what we do, and many more

Staff Profiles

Currently, the department has 42 academic and 2 administrative staff. Our staff are involved in teaching, research projects, consultancy, and outreach services.

Current Projects

The department’s staff is more active and involved in many research projects than any other department in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences. There are currently six (6) ongoing projects funded by the University through its SUARIS initiative, as well as three (3) projects funded by donors.