The main objective of the B.Sc. ITIN programme is to produce IT and innovation experts that can identify, analyze and evaluate opportunities for the start-up of new businesses and growth in already established businesses.
Explain fundamental concepts, Principles and theories used in Information Technology Innovation.
Identify, and describe risks and threats associated with security in ICT.
Analyze the local impacts of ICT systems on individuals, organizations, and society in relation to relevant sustainable development goals.
Master the most common software and platforms for producing IT solutions
Disseminate (Communicate) ICT solutions and research results to professional users, non-professional users as well as local communities.
Execute responsibilities and leadership roles including ethical practices in the IT profession.
Identify, analyse, and formulate complex real-life problems of any domain that need ICT related solutions.
Design, implement, evaluate, and manage innovative computer information systems.
Engage in life-long learning and continued professional development to cope up with fast changes in the IT technologies/tools (including e-learning)
Initiate, assess, and manage innovative ICT projects including executing new projects and start-ups.
Produce innovative IT products (services) of the desired quality that suit local markets.
Plan and carry out research-based projects on ICT solutions for solving development problems taking into consideration relevant sustainable development goals.