Dr. Jamal Banzi is a Senior Lecturer of Computer Science specializing in Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Informatics and Information Technology at the Sokoine University of Agriculture. Dr. Banzi obtained his BSc. Degree in Information Systems from the University of Dodoma, Tanzania in 2011. He also holds a Master’s degree in Signal and Information Processing Engineering, from Tianjin University of Technology and Education, China graduated in 2015. In 2019, he obtained a Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering specializing in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hong Center for Cerebrocardiovascular Health Engineering, City University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Banzi’s current research interests include cognitively Inspired AI, AI+ healthcare, MRI Analysis, Medical Image Analysis, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, AI Assisted Sign Language Recognition for Hearing-disabled Communication, and AI+ Agriculture.
Dr. Banzi has published over 10 scientific articles in top-tier journals and conferences including IEEE-Sinica, Journal of Machine Learning and Applications, Journal of Intelligent and Autonomous Systems, ICCCV, ICIC, etc.
Dr. Banzi’s publications are available via his Google Scholar’s account