Dr. Nkuba. N.Mbeho

Dr. Nkuba Nyerere Mbeho (PhD.)

Nkuba Nyerere

1.1.1 Name: Nkuba Nyerere Mbeho

1.1.2 Sex: Male

1.1.3 Marital status: Married

1.1.4 Nationality: Tanzanian

1.1.5 Language: English and Kiswahili

1.1.6 Date of Birth:

1.1.7 Place of birth:

1.1.8 Religion: Christian


1.2 Contact Address:

P.O. Box 3038, Morogoro, Tanzania (EA).

E-mail: emmankuba@sua.ac.tz

Cell: +255 767 994 591, +255 786 994 591.



1.3 Academic qualifications

1.3.1 Nelson Mandela Africa Institution of Science and Technology, MSc. (Mathematics) PhD (Mathematics) (2020)

1.3.2 Nelson Mandela Africa Institution of Science and Technology, MSc. (Mathematics) (2013)

1.3.3 University of Iringa, BSc. (Ed) Hon. (2008)

1.3.4 :  Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education ()

1.3.5 : Certificate of Secondary Education ()



Mathematical Epidemiology

Mathematical Ecology

Stability Analysis

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Numerical Analysis

Mathematical Analysis

Mathematical Modelling

Nonlinear Dynamics

Bifurcation Analysis


A mathematical model for the dynamics of cholera with control measures

S Edward, N Nyerere
Applied and Computational Mathematics 4 (2), 53-63
Modeling approach to investigate the dynamics of Zika virus fever: A neglected disease in Africa

SC Mpeshe, N Nyerere, S Sanga
Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. Mech 4 (3), 14-21
Modelling typhoid fever with education, vaccination and treatment

S Edward, N Nyerere
Eng. Math 1 (1), 44-52
Modeling the effect of screening and treatment on the transmission of tuberculosis infections

N Nyerere, LS Luboobi, Y Nkansah-Gyekye
Mathematical theory and Modeling 4 (7), 51-62
Bifurcation and stability analysis of the dynamics of tuberculosis model incorporating, vaccination, screening and treatment

N Nyerere, LS Luboobi, Y Nkansah-Gyekye
Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci. 2014, Article ID 3
Optimal control strategies for the infectiology of brucellosis

N Nyerere, LS Luboobi, SC Mpeshe, GM Shirima
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2020, 1-17
Mathematical model for the infectiology of brucellosis with some control strategies

N Nyerere, L Luboobi, S Mpeshe, G Shirima
BISKA Bilisim Technology
Modeling the dynamics of coronavirus disease pandemic coupled with fear epidemics

SC Mpeshe, N Nyerere
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2021
Modeling the impact of seasonal weather variations on the infectiology of brucellosis

N Nyerere, LS Luboobi, SC Mpeshe, GM Shirima
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2020, 1-19
Modeling approach to assess the transmission dynamics of Hepatitis B infection in Africa

SC Mpeshe, N Nyerere
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 6 (3), 51-61
Mathematical model for brucellosis transmission dynamics in livestock and human populations

N Nyerere, L Luboobi, S Mpeshe, G Shirima
Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience
Modeling the impact of screening and treatment on the dynamics of typhoid fever

N Nyerere, SC Mpeshe, S Edward
World Journal of Modelling and Simulation 14 (4), 298-306
Modeling the impact of vertical transmission in vectors on the dynamics of dengue fever

N Nyerere, AX Matofali, SC Mpeshe, S Edward
World Academic Union
A human-animal model of giardiasis infection in contaminated environment

S Mpeshe, N Nyerere
Int J Adv Appl Mathem Mech 8, 37-47
An epidemic model for control and possible elimination of Lassa fever

A Ayoade, N Nyerere, M Ibrahim
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics
Mathematical models for the infectiology and cost-effectiveness of the control strategies for brucellosis

N Nyerere
A mathematical Model to assess the Role of Neglected Control Techniques in the Dynamics of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease

JJ Mapinda, GG Mwanga, N Nyerere, VG Masanja
Research Article Modeling the Impact of Seasonal Weather Variations on the Infectiology of Brucellosis

N Nyerere, LS Luboobi, SC Mpeshe, GM Shirima
Mathematical models for the infectiology and cost-effectiveness of the …
Research Article Modeling the Dynamics of Coronavirus Disease Pandemic Coupled with Fear Epidemics

SC Mpeshe, N Nyerere
A Review of the Mathematical Models for Brucellosis Infectiology and Control Strategies

N Nyerere, L Luboobi, SC Mpeshe, GM Shirima
Journal of Mathematics and Informatics

Office: OLD Library, Mazimbu campus