Mr. Lucas .L. Mbembela

Personal Particulars
1.1 Personal information
1.1.1 Name:                            Lucas Leba Mbembela
1.1.2 Sex:                                Male
1.1.3 Marital status:             Single
1.1.4 Nationality:                  Tanzanian
1.1.5 Language:                     English and Swahili
1.1.6 Data of birth:               30th June, 1988
1.1.7 Place of birth:              Arusha, Tanzania
1.1.8 Religion:                       Christian
1.2 Contact Address

1.2.1 C/O Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
College of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O Box 3038, Morogoro, Tanzania (East Africa).
1.2.2 Email: or
1.2.3 Mobile: +255 786 944 292, +255 759 046 531

1.3 Academic qualifications
1.3.1 M.Sc Agricultural Statistics (2019), Sokoine University of Agriculture.

1.3.2 B.A Economics and Statistics (2011), The University of Dodoma.

1.3.3 Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (2008), Ilboru High School.

1.3.4 Certificate of Secondary Education (2005), Kaloleni Secondary School.

1.3.5 Primary School Leaving Certificate (2001), Levolosi Primary School.

1.4 Employment Records:
1.4.1 Current Employment: Assistant Lecturer: Statistics and related courses, Sokoine University of Agriculture, July 2020 to date Tutorial Assistant: Statistics and related courses, Sokoine University of Agriculture, May 2020 to July 2023
1.4.2 Previous Employment Economist: Regional Commissioner’s Office in Lindi, September 2013-May 2020 Branch Operation Officer: Standard Chartered Bank-Arusha, March 2013- September 2013. Cashier: Standard Chartered Bank-Arusha, November 2011-March 2013.

1.5 Work Experience
1.5.1 Research activities Analysis of consumer demand of major food crops in Tanzania (M.Sc.Dissertation), June 2018-August, 2019. Baseline data establishment for food security and vulnerability assessments in Tanzania basing on Household Economic Approach (HEA), Ministry of Agriculture, 2014-2016.

1.5.2 Teaching, Special Project Supervision and Field Practical Assessments. Assistant Lecturer: Statistics and Biometry, Sokoine University of Agriculture, July 2020 to date. Tutorial Assistant: Statistics and Biometry, Sokoine University of Agriculture,June 2020 to July 2023. Part time Assistant Lecturer: Statistics and Mathematics, Mzumbe University,October 2020-December 2020. Special project supervisor: 11 third year bachelors’ students from College of Natural and Applied Sciences, November 2020- July 2021. Special project supervisor: 06 third year bachelors’ students from College of Natural and Applied Sciences, November 2021- July 2022. Special project supervisor: 11 third year bachelors’ students from College of Natural and Applied Sciences, November 2022- July 2023. Teaching practice assesor: 21 college student teachers, Mbozi, Momba and Songwe districts, October 2020. Teaching practice assessor: 27 college student teachers, Kondoa, Kongwa and Mpwapwa districts, September 2021. Teaching practice assessor: 25 college student teachers, Babati district, September 2022. practice assessor: 29 college student teachers, Babati and Kiteto districts, August 2023
1.5.3 Positions of responsibility Acting Assistant Administrative Secretary: Regional Commissioner’s office in Lindi, several times from April 2014 to April 2020. Acting Branch Operations Manager: Standard Chartered Bank-Arusha, several times in 2013.
2.0 Unpublished works
2.1 Analysis of consumer demand of major food crops in Tanzania (M.Sc.Dissertation), June 2018-August, 2019
3.0 Short courses, training and conferences.
3.1 Proposal writing: Short course offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture to Project Investigators, April 2021

3.2 A guide to Gender Mainstreaming in African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) National Strategies: Online short course offered by African Institute for Development and Planning (IDEP) in Senegal, September 2020 November 2020.

3.3 Agricultural policy in Africa: Online short course offered by African Institute for Development and Planning (IDEP) in Senegal, December 2019-January 2020

3.4 Data analysis for Sustainable Economic Development Planning: Online short course offered by African Institute for Development and Planning (IDEP) in Senegal, July 2019 2019-September 2019

3.5 Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture for Low-Income Countries: Online short course offered by Food and agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) in Rome Italy, June 2017 2019-July 2019

3.6 Collection and analysis of baseline data for food security and vulnerability assessments through Household Economic approach (HEA): Short course offered by Food and Energy Group in Tanzania, September 2014-October 2014.

4.0 Referees

4.1 Prof. Benedicto Kazuzuru,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
College of Natural and Applied sciences,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O Box 3038,
Mobile: +255 657 209 202

4.2 Dr. Michael H. Mkwizu,
Head of Department,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
College of Natural and Applied sciences,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O Box 3038,
Mobile: +255 784 463 994

4.3 Dr. Justine N Mbukwa,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Studies,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Mzumbe University,
P.O BOX 87,
Mzumbe, Morogoro.
Mobile: +255 752 663 635

Signature:                                                                                                                              Date: 12th September, 2023.