Dr. Linus N. Kisoma


Personal Particulars

1.1     Personal history

1.1.1    Name:                       Linus Nyarusanda Kisoma

1.1.2   Sex:                            Male

1.1.3   Marital status:         Married

1.1.4   Nationality:            Tanzanian

1.1.5   Language:               English and Kiswahili

1.1.6   Date of Birth:          01st Feruary 1980

1.1.7   Place of birth:          Butiama, Mara

1.1.8   Religion:                  Christian

1.2 Contact Address:

P.O. Box 3038, Morogoro, Tanzania (EA).

E-mail: nyarusanda@sua.ac.tz, linuskisoma@gmail.com

Cell: +255 787 686 914, +255 757 396 698, +255 713 535 829

Tel:  +255 23 2603404

1.3 Academic qualifications

1.3.1   Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, PhD (Applied      Mathematics) (2022)

1.3.2   University of Dar es salaam, M.Sc. (Mathematical Modelling) (2011)

1.3.3   University of Dar es salaam, B.Ed. (Ed) Hon. (2008)

1.3.4   Nyegezi Seminary:  Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (2003)

1.3.5   Makoko Seminary: Certificate of Secondary Education (2000)

1.4 Employment Records:

1.4.1 Current Employment: Lecturer: College of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Mathematics and Statistics, July 2013

1.4.2 Previous Employment Tutorial Assistant: Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Computational Sciences, July 2008-July 2009 Assistant Lecturer: Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education, Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Computational Sciences, July 2009-   July 2013

1.5 Work Experience

1.5.1 Research activities: Participated in Research titled: Dar es Salaam transportation policy and systems development master plan study. (Conducted by BICO and JICA) as Research       Assistant Temeke Municipality (2007) Research assistant at Udzungwa community project, funded by the National  Geographic Society (NGS), 2020 Won early career Research fund from the National Geographic Society (NGS), 2019 Research on Modelling Wildebeest Foraging Processes and their interaction with Zebra and Lion In the Serengeti Ecosystem.

1.5.2 Teaching Activities Lecturer in Mathematics, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Statistics-SUA From July 2008 to date. Part time Lecturer in Mathematics, Jordan University College (Morogoro) (2012-2017) Employed as a temporary Mathematics Teacher at Kiagata secondary school in Musoma, Jan 2004 to Aug 2004.

1.6 Other Activities

1.6.1 Acting coordinator, Classroom services Unit (Office of Director, Undergraduate     Studies), August 2021 to date

1.6.2   Special project supervision (B.Sc. Education students)-SUA

2.0 Publications

2.1 Published Materials

2.1.1. Journal Articles: Kisoma, L. N., Torney C., Kuznetsov, D. Treydte A. C (2020). An investigation of        power law distribution in wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) herds in Serengeti         National Park, Tanzania. Journal of Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci. 2020:66   https://doi.org/10.28919/cmbn/4943 Kisoma, L. N., Kuznetsov, D. (2020). Modelling prey-predator with Diffusion for          migrating wildebeest and Lion in the presence of drought. Journal of Mathematics    and Informatics; 18, 51-63. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22457/jmi.v18a5162 Mfano Charles, Thadei. D.S, Linus, N K (2018): Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Harvested Prey –Predator System Incorporating A Prey Refuge:   Journal of Mathematical theory and Modelling Vol.8.No 8:148-160

2.2 Book Chapters

2.2.1 Kisoma, L. N., Torney C., Treydte A. C (2023). Research Highlights in Science and Technology Vol. 2. Chapter 7, eBook ISBN: 978-81-19217-67-0. DOI: 10.9734/bpi/rhst/v2/5115B

2.3 Unpublished Materials

2.3.1 Kisoma, L. N. (2008) “ Calibration of LiDAR histogram databases using a non linear-model”. This topic is related to the work of studying methods for forest    inventory, especially ones that are related to airborne laser scanning (ALS or LiDAR)

2.3.2 Nyarusanda L, and Selemani M. (2012).  Introduction to Engineering Mathematics, a compendium to undergraduate students, faculty of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, pg1-153

2.3.3  Selemani M, and Nyarusanda L. (2012). Introduction to Operations Research, a   compendium to undergraduate students, faculty of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, pg1-96

3.0Seminars/Short courses/ Conferences attended

3.1. Second Interdisciplinary and international short course on Ecological Modelling.      Conducted at Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Arusha         Tanzania, from 21th -24th May, 2018.

3.2 Machine Learning and Image Analysis Workshop. Conducted at Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Arusha Tanzania, from 26th -29th March, 2018.

3.3 Electronic Library Resources Training Workshop for DAAD Scholars in Tanzania, conducted 12-15 September, 2017 in Arusha, Tanzania.

3.4 BIG Data Tanzania, a seminar conducted at Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, January, 2017

3.5 African Grand Challenge conducted at Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, January, 2017

3.6 Seminar for sensitization on use of Teaching Assistants and ‘’Moodle’’ Platform, at ICE-SUA, January, 2015

3.7 A stakeholder’s workshop to enhance SUA’s capacity to utilize ICT. Conducted at Hilux Hotel Morogoro, February, 2015.

3.8 Mathematics Association of Tanzania (MAT). University of Dar es Salaam. September 2009.

3.9 Modelling week organized by the University of Dar es salaam November 2009

3.10 Inverse problems seminars and presentations at Lappeenranta University of technology November 2010 to June 2011.

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