Ms.Epifania F. Kilawe

Personal Particulars
1.1 Personal information
1.1.1 Name:                           Epifania F. Kilawe
1.1.2 Sex:                                Female
1.1.3 Marital status:             Single
1.1.4 Nationality:                  Tanzanian
1.1.5 Language:                     English and Swahili
1.1.6 Data of birth:               20th OctoberKAZ 1997
1.1.7 Place of birth:              Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
1.1.8 Religion:                       Christian
1.2 Contact Address

1.2.1 C/O Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
College of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O Box 3038, Morogoro, Tanzania (East Africa).
1.2.2 Email:
1.2.3 Mobile: +255 744303603, +255 621516778

1.3 Academic qualifications

1.3.2Bachelor of applied statistics (2021), Mzumbe university.

1.3.3 Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (2018), Kazima High School.

1.3.4 Certificate of Secondary Education (2015), Kilasara Secondary School.

1.3.5 Primary School Leaving Certificate (2011), Amain Primary School.

1.4 Employment Records:
1.4.1 Current Employment: Tutorial Assistant: Statistics and related courses, Sokoine University of Agriculture, October 2023
1.4.2 Previous Employment Part time tutorial Assistant: Statistics and related courses, Moshi cooperative university, October 2022 to October 2023