The SUA Research and Innovation Support (SUARIS) has announced its 3rd round of funding for SUA staff, and a number of teams from CoNAS were successful in securing 8 projects in total. Here are the details.
No. | Project Title | PI | Amount |
1 | Reconstruction and Performance Evaluation of the SUA Waste Stabilization Ponds to Improve In-Campus Waste Water Treatment | Douglas Werasimbo Mushi | 80,000,000 |
2 | Farm-Oriented Open Data (FOOD) to Improve Swahili Agricultural Information Search Using Knowledge Graph | Joseph Philipo Telemala | 29,990,000 |
3 | Spatial temporal assessment of human development and eco-environmental consequences at Ngo | Mariam Nguvava | 29,500,000 |
4 | Cutting-edge ICT tools for enhancing multi-stakeholder linkages to foster sustainable fish farming in the Kilombero Floodplain (Cute-fish) | Abdulbastwa Hassan Athuman | 30,000,000 |
5 | Assessing The Impact Of Fire On Forest Structure And Restoration Using Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques | Amina Amri Hamad | 29,500,000 |
6 | Promoting Efficient Sharing of the Agro-mechanization (PESA) | Anna Geofrey | 30,000,000 |
7 | Developing Student-Farmers Centred Innovative Extension Prototype for Producing Entrepreneurs and Innovators in Tanzania | Philbert S. Nyinondi | 30,000,000 |
8 | The role of knowledge and information intermediaries in mitigating resource-based conflicts between farmers and pastoralists in selected districts in Tanzania | Ester Ernest Mzava | 30,000,000 |