Seminar Presentations Department of Geography and Environmental Studies



Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

Seminar Presentations

DATE: 27-28/06/ 2024


PhD Seminar (Proposal) Presentation (27/06/2024)
Candidate Name Research Title Supervisors
Fransisca M. Luumi


Implementation of Hygiene Practices and Associated Inner Drivers at Post Covid-19 Period Among Residents in Urban Areas of Dodoma City, Tanzania. Dr. Ndetto, E. L

Dr. Funga, A. D

PhD Seminar (Concept) Presentation (27/06/2024)
Evarest Mrase Abraham Implications of social dynamics on access to groundwater and resilience under climate change scenario in the Semi-arid areas of Dodoma Region, Tanzania Dr. Devotha Mosha

Prof. Msafiri Y. Mkonda

Dr. Adrian Healy

MSc Seminar (Results) Presentations (27/6/2024)
Siraji S. Mbonaga Land Use Land Cover Changes in the Urban River’s Buffer Zone and Variability of Discharge, Water and Sediment Quality; A case of Ngerengere River in Tanzania Dr. Amina Hamad, A. A &

Prof. Mkoma, S.

MSc Seminar (Concepts) Presentations (28/6/2024)
Rachel Mwakatobe Assessment of Suitability of Groundwater for Irrigation Purposes in Hombolo, Dodoma Dr. Kassim, R. M &

Dr. Mbululo, Y

Nyato, Vanessa Delianation of Groundwater Potential Zone and Aquifer Characterization for Groundwater Quality Assessment in Handeni, Tanga Dr. Makoba, E. E &

Dr. Mwalilino, J. K

Mallya, Noel Frank The Implication of Land Cover Dynamics and Near Future Climate Change on Groundwater recharge and Storage using Shared Socio-Economic Pathways Dr. Kassim, R. M

Dr. Nguvava, M.

Mpemba, Jumanne Sudi Geophysical and Geochemical Approaches for Delianation of Groundwater Potential Zone in Mambi Catchment, Southern Coastal Tanzania Dr. Makoba, E. E &

Dr. Ndetto, E. L

Wambura, Joseph Delineating Groundwater Potential for the Complex Precambrian Greenstone Formation Using Dipole-dipole Array and Vertical Electrical Resistivity Sounding in Butiama District, Mara region Prof. Mjemah, I. C &

Dr. Mariki, E. E

Mwakibinga, Goodluck Assessing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Environmental Monitoring Activities to the Management of Water Resources in Ngerengere Catchment Dr. Mtoni, P &

Dr. Chambile, E.


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